Using the 5-Point Scale for Emotions Expression and Management

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Using the 5-Point Scale for Emotions Expression and Management

February 8, 2024 | Joy Thibeault, LCSW-C | 5 min. read

When emotions are high and coping skills have flown from memory, what is a person to do? Use the trusty five point scale, that’s what!

A simple five point scale can be an invaluable tool at home for the whole family, as well as at school for kids! The scale provides common language a family (or classroom) can share to better communicate, especially around difficult things like emotions identification and expression. It assists in making emotion a more concrete and understandable concept. Additionally, it provides modeling opportunities for parents or teachers, as well as making coping strategies readily available.

A five point scale can also assist children in developing personalized coping strategies and dealing with strong emotions.

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Many things can be useful to rate on your five point scale. It could be how angry you are, how depressed you are, how difficult you anticipate a task to be versus how difficult it actually was after completing it, and of course to determine how big (or small) a specific problem is. As you can see, the possibilities are endless once the common language and understanding of scaling are reached. Be creative and remember to model the concept and procedure, including strategy use, aloud so that it becomes the norm for you and your family.

So how does it work? Simple. First you need to create your scale and fill it out.

List emotions that might fit or describe each number. For example, you might write calm beside one, maybe frustrated or down for two, maybe furious or terrified for five, and so on. Then in the column beside that, come up with personalized strategies that help you when you are experiencing an emotion at that numbered level. Strategies could look like: listening to music, going for a walk, drawing, being alone, moving to a particular room or space, calling a certain person, etc., and should be specific to the individual. It may take some time to gather or try out strategies but having them centrally located later will be invaluable.

When first introducing the concept, just for some practice, you could try scaling characters’ feelings during a show, or role play some situations and practice scaling those. Once everyone has the idea, you can move on to “real life” scenarios as they arise. Below are some examples of ways a parent could use the scale moving forward.

Example #1

A parent using the scale to help an angry child might look like this::

Parent to angry child: “It looks like you might be feeling kind of angry.  Can you tell me how angry you are using your five point scale?”

Child points to a 4

Parent: “Oh….so very angry then.  I’m so glad you told me.  Let’s see what your five point scale suggests for strategies (reference the strategies for number 4 and ask the child which one they might like to try first).”

Example #2

An example of a parent modeling might look like this:

Angry parent: “Dad is feeling really upset and is at a 5 right now.  I am going to take a break and use my strategies to get back down to a 1 or 2 and then we can talk about it.”

This scale and ideas are based on: The Incredible 5-Point Scale by Buron & Curtis

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Getting Older: Memory Loss and Cognitive Concerns

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Getting Older — Memory and Cognitive Concerns

August 10, 2023 | Vanessa Buonopane, Psy.D. | 7 min. read

As we get older, it is inevitable that we are going to experience memory and cognitive concerns.

Many people who begin to have memory complaints worry that it is a sign that they are developing Alzheimer’s disease. However, not all people with memory problems have Alzheimer’s. There are many other reasons why an individual is experiencing memory and/or cognitive concerns, including medical complications, psychological issues, mild cognitive impairment, or another type of dementia.

Forgetfulness can be a normal part of aging and growing older. Middle-aged and older adults may begin to notice that it takes longer to learn new things, recall information, and lose things that might be right in front of them (e.g., cell phone or glasses). These are common to the human experience and are likely not a cause for concern.

So, when should you start to worry that something more serious is going on?

If you or a loved one starts to engage in poor decision-making, loses track of the date and time of the year, forgets important details of conversations, misplaces things often, and has problems taking care of activities of daily living or those pertinent to living (e.g., paying bills, transportation, hygiene), you may want to consider speaking with your primary care physician (PCP). Your PCP can do a medical evaluation to determine if there may be any medical reasons for your memory and cognitive complaints. For example, did you know that urinary tract infections (UTIs) can cause sudden confusion (also known as delirium) in older individuals, as well as individuals with dementia? This confusion, along with increased agitation and withdrawal can mimic some of the same symptoms as dementia. When a UTI is treated, the memory and cognitive concerns typically resolve as well.

Other medical conditions can also contribute to and cause memory problems, including tumors, blood clots, or infections in the brain; thyroid, kidney, or liver disorders; excessive alcohol use; head injuries; medication side effects; and lack of important vitamins and minerals (e.g., B12). Typically, once these problems are treated, any associated memory problems subside or go away altogether.

There are some psychiatric diagnoses, such as anxiety and depression, that can contribute to forgetfulness and may mimic symptoms of dementia.

Significant stressors or transitions, such as recent retirement or the death of a loved one, can lead to an individual feeling sad, lonely, worried, or bored, and can also leave people feeling confused or forgetful. Similar to certain medical conditions, once the psychiatric issue is resolved, the memory or cognitive concerns typically also resolve.

Some older adults may be experiencing a condition called mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

MCI means that they are experiencing more memory or other cognitive concerns than other people their age. However, individuals with MCI are able to continue their normal activities and take care of themselves. Currently, there is no standard treatment or approved medication for MCI, but there are many things an individual can do to stay healthy and manage memory and cognitive changes, such as learning a new skill, following a daily routine, exercising regularly, eating well, limiting alcohol use, and finding meaningful activities to engage in (e.g., volunteering, hobbies/interests).

It is important to check-in with your PCP every six to twelve months to track any changes in memory and other thinking skills over time, as this can help understand the progression of a specific condition.

Ultimately, it is possible that MCI can progress into a specific dementia.

Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning, which includes thinking, remembering, learning, and reasoning, in addition to behavioral abilities to the extent that it interferes with the person’s quality of life and activities. Other concerns may be present, such as problems with language skills, visual perception, paying attention, and personality changes. Most people believe that Alzheimer’s is the only form of dementia; however, there are actually many different kinds of dementia.

If you, a family member, or a loved one believes that significant memory and cognitive concerns are present, it is best to talk with your PCP. Your PCP may recommend a neuropsychological evaluation, which will not only assess for any abnormal memory concerns, but can pick up on any cognitive deficits. An assessment psychologist or a neuropsychologist can look at the test results to determine if the individual might be matching the cognitive profile of someone experiencing normal aging concerns, mild cognitive impairment, or a specific type of dementia. Recommendations and “next steps” can also be made at the conclusion of the evaluation and are often catered to the individual needs of the person.

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Are you or a loved one experiencing worrisome memory or cognitive issues?

While we highly recommend you seek guidance from your/their primary care physician, Orchard Mental Health Group can also provide psychological evaluations, including neuropsychological evaluations. OMHG is a large Maryland-based private practice with offices in Rockville, MD and Frederick, MD, providing affordable, accessible, research-informed counseling, assessment, and medication management services to children, adolescents, and adults.

Through comprehensive assessments, our neuropsychologists evaluate how your brain functions in areas like memory, attention, problem-solving, and language. These evaluations can identify whether your challenges are linked to neurological conditions, mental health issues, or other factors like stress or aging. Armed with these insights, a neuropsychologist can provide personalized recommendations for treatment, strategies, or interventions to improve your cognitive functioning and enhance your quality of life.

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